Top 10 Law Schools with Highest Enrollment Percentages from Accepted Students

Summary: This list that examines the percentage of accepted law students that enroll in a particular law school shows that being a top law school is not everything for a law school looking to reach their quota.

Just because a student receives an acceptance letter from one J.D. program does not mean they will decide to enroll at that school. There are some law schools that have more of their accepted students enroll than others and the U.S. News Short List puts those numbers into rankings.

Of course this list does not tell everything. Looking at the number of students that the program accepts is a factor. Harvard Law accepted 931 students, more than any other law school on the list. The overall average of the 195 ranked schools was 24.3 percent.

  1. Yale Law School is also the top of the Best Law School list for 2017. The law school had 74.3 percent of accepted students enroll in fall of 2015.
  2. Brigham Young University Clark Law School is number 38 in the U.S News ranking, but has 68.8 percent of their accepted students enroll.
  3. Harvard Law School comes in with just over 60 percent enrolling of their accepted students. They are tied for second on the best law school list.
  4. Southern University Law Center is not even ranked, but they have 51.5 percent of their accepted students enrolling.
  5. University of Nevada – Las Vegas has 46.4 percent of their accepted students enrolling. They tied for 78th in the best law school ranking.
  6. Indiana University – Indianapolis is tied for 100th, but for accepted students enrolling they are at 45.2 percent.
  7. Liberty University is another school that is not ranked, but they have 45.1 percent of students enrolling that are accepted.
  8. University of Missouri – Kansas City has 44.6 percent of accepted students enrolling despite being ranked 123.
  9. University of Arkansas – Little Rock brings in 43.2 percent of their accepted students.
  10. North Carolina Central University is also not ranked, but has 42.1 percent of their accepted students enrolling.

Photo: som.yale.edu

Amanda Griffin: