Watch Democratic Candidates Say Funny Things That Definitely Do Not Follow Legal Advice

Sometimes I wonder if every sound byte a politician says was run by a team of lawyers, to make sure it’s not at all controversial. Every word that comes out of their mouths feels so rehearsed and cleaned up, and any gaffes they make often make national news. After the recent Republican debate, for example, there was an outcry among candidates that the questions were unfair, and members of several campaigns’ staff (and, I’m sure, attorneys) criticized CNBC for asking “gotcha questions.”

However, in this hilarious video by Bad Lip Reading, we see questionable information coming out of politicians’ mouths that would definitely be against legal advice. Granted, the narration is made up, but it’s synced up so well with the movements their lips are making that it could be real. So sit down and watch Hillary say things in the above video that her lawyer certainly wouldn’t approve of.

Eliza Hecht: