Categories: Weird News

What Would You Do to Save 90 Percent of Your Income?

Summary: Lawyers and other professionals are taking extreme measures to cut their living expenses and commute times.

A lot of biglaw associates have joked they ought to just move into their offices instead of paying rent. Well, one Google employee has done something close to that. He recently converted this truck into a living space and has taken up residence on his employer’s parking lot:

Brandon, 23, first generated the idea while interning at Google before his senior year of college. He was paying nearing $2,000 a month for a shared room on Google’s campus, and wanted to find a way to cut his living expenses.

Upon graduating from college, Brandon took matters into his own hands, buying a 16-foot 2006 Ford truck for $10,000 with his signing bonus from Google.

Brandon compares his living expenses for those few months on Google’s campus to burning money. He gained nothing. “You’re not putting equity in anything and you’re not building it up for a future,” the young man says. Now his only monthly bill is $121 for truck insurance. Google pays the phone bill and everything else is battery powered.

The 128-square foot living space is nothing to brag about. Brandon has a bed, dresser and make-shift closet rack. He showers after working out at the campus gym and eats all his meals on campus . . .when he isn’t eating out at the finer restaurants of San Francisco with the money he saves on rent.

The one downside to Brandon’s bedroom situation? He can’t exactly bring a girl over for a romantic evening.

Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/google-employee-lives-in-truck-in-parking-lot-2015-10

Google Campus Photo: wikipedia.org

Outside Truck Photo: hngn.com

Inside Truck Photo: hngn.com

Amanda Griffin: