Summary: These twelve gifts may be a funny surprise for your lawyer buddies, but they’ll definitely raise eyebrows if you actually put them in your office.
Recently The Butt Lamp took the internet by storm, but it made us wonder—would people really put one in their house? Let alone their office? It made us question what else was out there, so we scoured the net for some of the most ridiculous gifts for your friends.
Display them at your own risk!
1. Butt Lamps
Not only are these lamps titillating to look at; they get turned on when your pinch or slap them.
Buy one or three here.
2. Face Candles
For less than $25, you can burn a lifelike face like you’re in your own damn horror movie.
Buy them here!
3. A Dave Grohl-as-Jesus Prayer Candle
While Foo Fighter’s Dave Grohl may have Jesus-like hair, it would be highly inappropriate to display this ode to the sacrilege in front of your boss or clients.
Buy it here!
4. A Baked Potato Bean Bag Chair
While no one would find this cute baked potato chair offensive, your baller status may be in question.
Buy it here.
5. Nicolas Cage Mouse Pad
This creepy mouse pad looks as if actor Nicolas Cage is floating out of a bath of milk–which is the perfect image to get you through your long work day.
6. The Backwards Number Clock that will blow your mind
If you want to drive your clients crazy, put this clock up.
7. The Toilet Coffee Mug
Gross, just gross.
8. Smores Keyboard
You sadly can’t buy this, but you can try to make it…although you’ll just end up pigging out on it.
9. Teddy Bear USB
The idea of a Teddy Bear USB sounds adorable… until you realize what it looks like when you actually use it.
10. 3D Anime Mouse Pads
Of course whoever invented these mouse pads made the 3D part of them boobs or butts.
You can buy a Levi 3D mouse pad here.
3D mouse pad. Courtesy of Gizmodo.
11. Hush Napping Chair
While these may be the greatest nap pods of all time, they don’t scream “productivity” if you have one in your office.
Buy one here, anyway.
12. Furniture Erotica
We’re not sure where Buzzfeed found this chair, but it looks like you can just hire someone and make your own!