Hillary Needs to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer Pronto

Summary: An anonymous adviser of the Clintons has said Hillary needs to hire legal counsel and bury her email scandal before it ruins her.

Hillary Clinton is in hot water and her problems aren’t going away. A longtime, trusted adviser of the Clintons is telling Hillary she had better get prepared.

Edward Klein, author of “Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary” posted the advice from the unnamed confidante on his website. One of Hillary’s advisers suggests she get a criminal defense lawyer so she’s prepared for her inevitable indictment.

If she is indicted, it will be for lying under oath and mishandling classified documents on her private email server.

Hillary has tried to brush off the scandal as a political story intended to smear her reputation. But as the adviser says, “This FBI e-mail investigation could go in a very dangerous direction very quickly.”

The adviser recommends Hillary hire a big-wig attorney from the Republican side. This way, the lawyer will be able to use his or her connections and “find out whether the FBI and Justice Department are likely to conclude that she’s violated federal laws governing national security.”

Hillary continues to joke about all of the bad press. Per the anonymous adviser, “Insulting career FBI and Justice Department investigators is a very bad and ill-advised strategy.”

See Hillary Worker Violates Election Law with Trump Meme.

Source: http://www.globallegalpost.com/blogs/management-speak/law-firm-offices-are-dead-24719139/

Photo: usasocialcondition.com

Amanda Griffin: