Best Small Cities for Law School Graduates to Work In

Summary: Evaluating average salary, housing rates, housing amenities, and number of law jobs, GoodCall ranked the best small cities to live and work for law school graduates.

Small towns provide tight-knit communities with a high standard of living. GoodCall evaluated smaller cities with populations under 100,000 by looking at average lawyer salaries, housing prices, housing amenities, and law job density and postings. See the top 15 small cities for law school graduates to find jobs in.

  1. Washington, NC – GoodCall gave them a score of 487.25. The average salary for a lawyer is $130,920.
  2. Carlsbad/Artesia, NM – They have an overall score of 474.9 with an average salary of $119,550.
  3. Thomaston, GA – GoodCall’s score for them was a 463.75 with a salary average of $102,900.
  4. Roswell, NM – Their score was 461.85. The average lawyer salary is $119,550.
  5. Laconia, NH – The score for this area was 451.4 with the salary at $117,850.
  6. Des Moines/West Des Moines – They scored a 206.15 by GoodCall. Their average salary is $109,650/
  7. Philadelphia/Camden/Wilmington- GoodCall scored them at 259.25 with an average lawyer salary at $126,100.
  8. Canton, IL- Their GoodCall score was a 442.85 with a lawyer salary at $99,160.
  9. Fairbanks, AK- Their score was 438.20. The average lawyer salary is $112,930.
  10. Cheyenne, WY -GoodCall scored them at 437.25 with an average salary of $109,540.
  11. Lincoln, IL- Scored a 433.25 with an average salary of $99,160.
  12. Carson City, NV- GoodCall scored them 426.95. Their average salary is $100,060.
  13. Ocean City, NJ – They have a score of 425.35 and an average lawyer salary of $103,860.
  14. Manitowoc, WI- They scored a 424.75 and a salary of $97,710.
  15. Auburn, NY – They received a GoodCall score of 423.6. The average lawyer salary is $99,980.

The top result for best salary was Truckee/Grass Valley, CA and most affordable housing is Indianola, MS. The best jobs category was topped by the Summit Park, UT. The Jackson, WY and ID area has the best amenities.

Source: http://www.goodcall.com/data-center/the-best-small-cities-for-law-school-graduates/

Photo: washingtonnc.gov

Amanda Griffin: