Pre-Law Students Not Concerned with Social Aspects of Law School

Summary: The recent Kaplan Test Prep survey identified the top concerns for pre-law students during the first year to be financial and academic.

Kaplan Test Prep surveyed 466 pre-law students to determine what their greatest concerns were for their first year of law school. The June 2015 survey found that the students worry about finances and their grades.

Almost nine out of ten students said they were worried about their grades, which is understandable considering the fact that the first year is the toughest for law school students.

A little over 80 percent of the surveyed students noted that they were concerned about being able to maintain a healthy work/life balance.

Taking on large amounts of debt is a concern for most, with law school students being no exception. Over three-quarters indicated that the cost of law school makes them nervous, especially with the way the job market is for the legal industry.

The pre-law students understand that securing good summer internships can affect their job prospects with 73 percent explaining that they are concerned about it. This is not surprising since summer internships are greatly influenced by grades.

The one area that the surveyed students did not worry about was fitting in. Just under 40 percent said that fitting in with their peers was a concern for their first year.

Source: http://press.kaptest.com/uncategorized/kaplan-test-prep-survey-pre-law-students-top-concerns-about-their-first-year-of-law-school-are-academic-and-financial-but-not-social

Photo: uwyo.edu

Amanda Griffin: