Directory of Providers for Continuing Legal Education

Summary: Check out this online directory of over 355 listings of providers in each state for continuing legal education.

See the full list at Continuing Legal Education Providers.

Every state has different requirements on what qualifies as continuing legal education and how many hours need to be done.

California’s minimum hours are 25, including four hours of ethics, one hour of substance abuse or mental illness that impairs professional competence, and one hour of elimination of bias in the profession. Attorneys in this state have three years to report. In California, attorneys can earn half their hours by self-study programs. There are 24 providers in California on the list.

Illinois requires 39 hours per reporting period. Six hours must be approved as professional responsibility credits. Attorneys have two years to report. There are 14 providers on the list in Illinois.

Texas only requires 15 hours per reporting period. Three hours must be in legal ethics or legal professional responsibility. The reporting period is one year for an attorney that has been licensed for two years or more. Texas has ten listed providers.

Virginia requires 12 hours per reporting period. Two of the hours must be for professional or legal ethics. There is a one year reporting period. Virginia has two providers on the list.

Source: https://www.lawcrossing.com/article/900045155/Continuing-Legal-Education-Providers/

Photo: www.wcl.american.edu

Amanda Griffin: