How to Keep Your Job at a Big Law Firm

Summary: Harrison Barnes breaks it down into ten mistakes and ten ways to keep your job in big law firms so that you don’t end up as a statistic.

See the full article here “10 Biggest Career Mistakes Big Law Firm Attorneys Make (and 10 Ways to Survive in a Big Firm)” to learn a lot more about the mistakes you may be making and how to keep your job for years to come.

The dream for most attorneys besides making it through law school is landing a job with a large law firm. In reality, those positions are very competitive so once you do achieve that dream, you need to work just as hard to keep the job. Harrison Barnes has provided you with the knowledge of what not to do and how to make it in a big law firm.

You may wonder why this is important so Barnes points out the statistics regarding attorneys and working at big law firms. He has noted that most of the attorneys that join big law firm out of law school will never make more than they do there. Young associates can make over $200,000 a year at big law firms whereas government and in-house positions pay around $100,000.

The majority of attorneys just out of law school that go to work for at a big law firm generally never work someplace as well-known again. The average attorney will move around from one big law firm to another before taking a position at a smaller firm. Once they move to that smaller firm, the usually don’t go back to a large firm. This goes for the kind of clients and cases that the attorneys will work on. Once they leave the big law firms, they will never see cases or clients as important again. Of the law school graduates that join big law firms, over half will no longer be practicing law in ten years compared to only 15 percent of those that join small law firms.

With these kinds of statistics in your future, Barnes advice on how to keep your job at a big law firm is of even greater importance.

Source: https://www.bcgsearch.com/article/900042657/10-Biggest-Career-Mistakes-Big-Law-Firm-Attorneys-Make-and-10-Ways-to-Survive-in-a-Big-Firm/

Photo: mlfp.org

Amanda Griffin: