Categories: Law Life

Funny Dog Pictures

Summary: Funny comics with dogs.

Pets are expressive, whether they intend to be or not – almost human in their gestures and facial expressions. It is no wonder many couples regard their dogs as their children. These comics don’t stretch the imagination too far in attributing thoughts and words to our pets: often enough their expressions and body language seem to say exactly these things.

The calculating look on this young pup expresses perhaps exactly this desire to gain the upper hand.

Is this not exactly the sentiment a guilty dog wishes to impart?

The feigned ignorance is more than a joke: it seems the dog’s wish to play at exactly that.

The glasses give the words a hint of plausibility.

Who in the world makes such a thing for their dog?

Or perhaps this dog is a turkey? Certainly, at least, the wagging tail means an entirely different thing than were it a cat: cats wag their tails when they are pissed.

These imputed words match that expression of mischievousness to a tee.

Ah, the wonders of living alarm clocks.

And yet pets seem amazingly forgiving over such matters.

Ah, the hypnosis of cuteness.

Yet dogs seem nonchalant about what they peed upon.

A sort of dignified expression for the confession.

The sassy impatience befits this pup.

Heh, it looks as if the dog were saying exactly that.

Dogs have such melodramatic expressions of guilt.

Dogs are always eager to help us in that odious task of eating our snacks.

Daniel June: Daniel June studied English literature at Michigan State University, graduating in 2003. Working a potpourri of jobs since, from cake-decorator to proofreader, his passion has always been writing, resulting in books of essays, novels, and children’s novellas.