Categories: Law Life

Learn How to Rock Your Network Marketing Business

Summary: You can learn how to rock your network marketing business and achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of while working from home.

I normally read fiction novels. Scratch that, I ALWAYS read fiction novels. But since becoming a Beachbody coach, my personal sponsor has sent me a couple personal development and business books. These definitely take me longer to get through (no matter how simple or short!) but I’ve found them pretty helpful, so today I wanted to share one of my favorites.

Rock Your Network Marketing Business by Sarah Robbins

Synopsis from Goodreads:

This book will teach you the system that helped me, Sarah Robbins, achieve seven-figure success, as well as many members of my team who have their own six-or-seven-figure success stories. Six-and-seven-figure success certainly didn’t happen overnight. It wasn’t easy; it was certainly worth it.

What I love about this book is that it is short, simple and to the point. There are excessive stories and examples to get her point across.It’s an incredibly informative book that also has plenty of real-life examples to help you see how what she is teaching will apply in real life.

Another thing that I really appreciate about this book is the author’s enthusiasm. Reading the book made me really BELIEVE that I can do this. I already knew I could turn Beachbody into a business, but this book was just one more form of encouragement.

The only thing I have to warn anyone about is that whatever company she works for functions pretty differently than my company, so be sure to take a few things with a grain of salt and try to best apply it to your own business model.
