Categories: Law Life

Joy is Your Choice

Summary: One of the things that I’ve always known, but only recently put into practice, is that your mood is your decision.

One of the things that I’ve always known, but only recently put into practice, is that your mood is your decision. Now that I’ve actually been really putting that thought into action and trying to be more positive, I believe it more than ever before. Your joy in life isn’t a result of what happens to you, it’s a result of your thought patterns. If you get into a pattern of discouragement in your thoughts, the product is feeling unhappy. Your life is a product of your own choices. So change the pattern of your choices to get the product that you want.

As I write this, it’s cloudy and snowing in Chicago. Rather than letting that make me feel dreary, I walked to my building thinking of how much I love snow: the way it sparkles, the way it floats down from the sky, the way that each flake is individual and special. Instead of being in a bad mood because of a dreary day, the day now feels magical and my mood improved significantly.

Take some time today to think of the products in your life that you dislike: your mood, your job, your fitness, your inability to reach goals you want, and then find the negative pattern and change it around to get the results that you want and deserve. You have to make the choice to change – no one else is going to do it for you.
