Categories: Law Life

You Are Good Enough Now

Summary: A common theme with many people is that they don’t think they are good enough to get where they need to be. Here’s what I learned about this.

For several years (okay, much of my teenage/young adult life) I struggled with body image issues. Not to say I’m perfect now, but it was a daily and all-consuming problem for me. One thing I realized, as I was working hard to learn to love myself, was I always put important things off until I considered myself to be “good enough.”

  • I’ll try dating more when I lose a little weight.
  • I’ll run with friends once I’m in better shape.
  • I’ll be more confident once I can afford better clothes.
  • I’ll go to Europe once I have a husband to go with me.

But why can’t we be good enough now? Guess what: WE ARE. We are all good enough right now to do whatever we dream of doing. If we wait around for the right circumstances to happen, we might we waiting forever and we might never truly live our lives. It’s okay to fail, it’s okay to be rejected, but it’s not okay to hide because of your fears and insecurities.

So go out there and live your life. Write down all the things you’ve wanted to do but hesitated, and start checking them off one by one. Yes, it will be scary. But it will be so worth the effort.
