Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich Resigns

The Mozilla Corporation’s stated aim is to work towards the Mozilla Foundation’s public benefit to “promote choice and innovation on the Internet.” Unlike the non-profit Mozilla Foundation, and the Mozilla open source project, founded by the now defunct Netscape Corporation, the Mozilla Corporation is a taxable entity. The Mozilla Corporation reinvests all of its profits back into the Mozilla projects. The Mozilla Corporation was established on August 3, 2005 to handle the revenue-related operations of the Mozilla Foundation.

In November 2005 the company released Mozilla Firefox 1.5, and the Mozilla Corporation’s website at mozilla.com was unveiled as the new home of the Firefox and Thunderbird products online. The Huffington Post has reported that the newly named CEO of the software firm Mozilla Corporation, Brendan Eich, has resigned from his post. Mozilla came under criticism right after they appointed Brendan Eich as CEO from its developer community.

In 2008, Brendan Eich had made a $1,000 contribution in support of California Proposition 8, which is a ballot initiative that denied recognition to same-sex marriages performed in the state of California until it was declared unconstitutional in 2013. Three of six Mozilla Corporation board members reportedly resigned over the choice of CEO, though Mozilla has said the resigning board members had “a variety of reasons.”

On April 1, the online dating site Ok Cupid started displaying visitors using Mozilla Firefox a message that was urging them to switch to a different web browser, and it was also pointing out that 8% of the matches made on Ok Cupid are between same-sex couples.

Mitchell Baker, a Mozilla executive chairwoman insisted that according to the Huffington Post that, “there are certainly very talented people we have talked to, so we are not at ground zero by any means.” If you would like information about employment opportunities with the Mozilla Corporation readers can click here.

Image Credit: www.techtimes.com
