Categories: Law Life

Thursday Thoughts

Hey everyone! Wooohooo Thursday! It’s 5am and I’m about to head out into “freezing rain…” REALLY? I guess that’s what we get when we hope for the weather to warm up! So lovely. Anyway, on to this week’s Thursday Thoughts!

1. So I work near the Wrigley building downtown and I noticed that in three of the windows (that I can see) there are lights shining out of the window. I am HORRIBLY curious about it and after not finding anything on google and then mentioning it to my cousin she said it’s now my responsibility to find out what they are. I will report back next Thursday.

2. I now understand why it was always so hard to get people to do things after work. I officially hate doing things after work. Why? Because I wake up at 4:50am, go to the gym, come home and get ready, go to work, go to whatever my event is, get home around 9:00-10:00pm and go straight to bed, then do it all over again. WHEN I AM SUPPOSED TO WATCH THE BACHELOR?! Or search for a real job…

3. Yesterday I was walking into my office and some people from Ft. Lauderdale were outside doing some sort of promotion to get you to go there (don’t have to ask me twice). They gave me some free sunglasses and I entered to win a trip there. Everyone cross your fingers!

4. As much as I hate my lack of free time right now, it is SO NICE to get dressed in the morning and take the bus with all the other commuters and go to an office. I feel like a human again.

5. I’m going to Blend. Well, I plan on going to Blend (I now live in a world where everything is tentative). Who else is going!?!?

6. What should I make for lunches next week?! What’s your favorite packable food that lasts throughout the week?

7. I’ve decided I’m going to start bringing breakfast to work. I had bought these Hot Oats for when Maddie was here and I ended up eating them Monday and Tuesday morning with some Justin’s Almond butter. It was so much better than rushing through my breakfast before catching the bus.

8. So true:

Do you eat breakfast at home or at work?

If you could travel anywhere this weekend, where would you go?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.