Categories: Law Life

Ask Me Anything–Random Questions!

Hey everyone!

I hope you all had a good weekend (yes, I know it’s Tuesday), because I did! My friend Maddie came into town and it was so nice to have her here and have her meet some of my friends and just finally see everything I’ve been talking about for all this time (she hasn’t visited since spring of 2011!).

Today I thought I’d do another round of answers to the Ask Me Anything Questions! If you missed them, here are my other Ask Me Anything posts:

Ask Me Anything – Chicago, Charleston & Travel

Ask Me Anything – Career & Future

Today’s theme: Random Questions!

What is your current daily routine like?

Well, it definitely varies, but it’s a lot more routine-like now that I have a temp job. On a regular day I get up at 4:50am, go to the gym, come home and shower and head out around 7:40 for work (I get up a little earlier than I could because I’m still figuring out my morning routine). I work from 8:30-5 and then I usually have something in the evening like bible study, Junior League meetings, happy hour or dinner plans, etc. If I have a free evening and I’m lacking sleep, I’ll skip my morning workout to sleep in and go to the gym after work. Or just not… And then to bed by 8:50-9:15 if my schedule allows it!

What is your most embarrassing moment?

All of middle school? I’ve actually tried to block the whole three years from my memory.

(I actually intended to put a picture here, but when I went back and found a couple I decided I could not put those on the internet for all to see… so horrible)

What is the biggest obstacle you have overcome in your life?

I feel like the answer to this question should be something like “my learning disability” or “my leg amputation” or “the death of my parents.” Lucky for me I haven’t had any “real” obstacles, I’m just an average girl living a blessed life. If anything, I’d say my biggest obstacle has been myself and that’s something I’m working on every day 🙂

What is something I would be surprised to know about you/your life/your past?

How did you get to be so cool? 😉

Ask my Mom. I get all my coolness from her.

Do you have any plans for running another marathon? If so, which one?

No current plans, but I would love to run another. I’m kind of trying to figure out what type of exercise is best for me. But if I could pick my next marathon then I’d love to do New York. Maybe 2015?

Favorite and least favorite foods?

Favorites are icing, popcorn, roasted squash and cereal. Least favorites are black licorice, flavored water and really greasy food.

If you could have a meal with anyone (dead or alive), who would you choose and what would the meal be?

Can I pick three people? I’d choose my three grandparents who passed away well before I was born. And what would the meal be? I’ll trade the food for the extra people.

How do you get your exercise in the winter?

The gym! I have a really hard time motivating myself to workout at home, but I love going to my gym because people watching is one of my all-time favorite activities.

What are your five wardrobe staples?

Only five items? Ah! My five most used/necessary are: a cute skirt (I am a sucker for a good mini), a good pair of jeans and/or leggings (see how I got away with turning 2 into 1?), a cardigan (yes, I love cardigans), white oxford shirt and some cute flats.

Always have a sweater!

Your turn! Answer one of the questions above!

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.