Can Sex Make You Smarter? A New Study Says, YES!

La petite mort, the French word for orgasm means ‘little death.’ In the case of current research into sexual arousal, it seems that whatever doesn’t kill you, will only make you smarter. According to the New York Post, Research by scientists at the University of Maryland found that having sex can improve mental performance and increase the production of new neurons. The improved cognitive function was located in the hippocampus, this is the part of the brain where long term memories are stored.

The study involved researchers measuring cell growth in the hippocampus of rats who were exposed to regular sexual activity, and those who were not. The scientists in this study found that rats that had regular sexual activity actually experienced a growth in the number of cells and connections between cells in the brain. Furthermore, the rats that did not have access to sex during the experiment had higher levels of stress hormones and expressed more symptoms of stress in new environments.

Rats and humans have very different environments and ways of interacting, but the research that’s been conducted over the last 10 years seems to suggest that sexual activity releases positive chemicals in the body and is also promoting healthy brain cell growth and encouraging happier moods.

According to psychologist Tracey J. Shors from the Centre for Collaborative Neuroscience at Rutgers University in New Jersey, having sex can increase the rate at which new brain cells are born, only effortless, successful learning will increase their survival. To find out about employment opportunities with Rutgers University click here.

In conclusion, healthy sex might actually prove to be a boost to intellectual and mental growth and health. But scientists and researchers agree that the newest study linking critical thinking to sexual brain activity should not encourage people to have unsafe or emotionally disruptive sex in an attempt to garner intellect and or fulfillment.

Image Credit: www.telegraph.co.uk
