Facebook Drama School

Everyone has at least ten friends on Facebook who are obviously addicted to drama. I’m sure your feed contains post from friends like this who constantly are racked with concern leaving lengthy updates about how “you” broke my heart and now “life just isn’t worth living,” and they know they can get a dozen comments from the gazillion “friends” on their list. It’s no shock that the growing Facebook population is interested in spreading personal information about other people including rumors that may be in fact, false. Facebook has become a place where adults behave like teenagers, creating drama and spy on each other.

Cheezburger.com has an article post titled, “PSA: Keep Your Personal Drama Off of Facebook or It Could Get Ugly…,” in the posting there was a gauntlet thrown down between two young ladies, Angela and Chelsea. Angela had called out her friend publically on Facebook exposing a private detail of her life bashing her and creating drama and tension within the girls friendship.

What ever happened to those times back when if you had a problem with someone you went up to them personally and talked to them about it? Now it’s just passive aggressive, “I’m gonna post something on Facebook and hope they see it and ask about it.” This is drama, and it is immature. Either people are recrating reailty T.V, or rat imitates life far too well. Cyberspace as it is in the real world is a conglomerate of people, places and things. Be careful who you associate with online and who you allow access to you page. “Privacy” as we know it, and as the courts define it, is not as it once was. On Facebook, and althogether its just best if people remember that drama does not walk into your life. You either create it, invite it or you associate with people who bring it into your life.

Image Credit: www.quickmeme.com, cheezburger
