Chilling Look at Newtown Killer, but No ‘Why’

In a story first released by the NY Times, a 48-page report released on Monday by Danbury, Connecticut attorney, Stephen J. Sedensky III, offers a detailed portrait of Adam Lanza’s surroundings and some of his behavior patterns. This puts the young man responsible for one of the nation’s worst mass shootings in recent times in a different light and also puts a frame of reference on his rampage.

What could not be detailed in the report is the one thing that is on the minds of most people around the world.”Why?” It may be decades before enough understanding is brought to bear on this incident before we can put this to rest. Many pundits and talking heads alike were eager to point the finger on one aspect of this horrible incident and single out a cause in their own minds.

During the initial days of the investigation many words and phrases were strewn about in an attempt to ‘put a handle on a situation.’ Phrases like “Video Game Violence” and “Isolationist Behavior’ were seen in articles or heard on the news.

What was chronicled in the 48 page report was Adam Lanza’s obsession with violent incidents from the past which he chronicled in spreadsheet form. Another sad truth is that we will never truly know what the chain of events in Lanza’s life were that lead him to kill his mother, those school children and ultimately himself.

Image Credit: New York Post
