Halloween Horror: Razor Blades Found in Kid’s M&Ms

Halloween used to be tricks and fun and kids and candy. Slowly more and more Americans are becoming fearful of their neighbors and may not trust them – not enough to trust their neighbors give their kids candy like in the old days. Although the urban legend of finding poisoned candy or razors in candy bars is common as a horror story, a sad reality has scared parents and community residents in one small town.

Earlier this week a Pennsylvania 12 year old received a normal looking bag of M&Ms as a Halloween treat. When he opened the candy, he found a rusty old razor blade inside.

Lydia Nelson, mother of the 12 year old who found the razor blade inside his Halloween candy angrily commented,” I have a set of 6 year old twins and a 5 year old and I’ve seen them open packages of M&Ms or Skittles and they just dump it right in their mouth. Lydia’s son, Mathew Hernley told his local TV station, “I don’t know which house I got it from, because every other house I think I got a pack of M&Ms.” No particular person has been blamed in the incident.

Scottdale, Pa., police are looking into the situation and are investigating. One police officer thought that this might be a case of quality assurance issues on behalf of the manufacturer. ABC noted that the package of candy did not seem to have been tampered with.

A spokesman for Mars Chocolate North America commented on the situation. The company told ABC that “Food safety and product quality are of paramount importance to Mars.” They went on to say that they were disturbed to find out that there was a product safety issue with their M&Ms Funsize packaging. In other words, they are apologizing for the horror that the kid,  the mom and the community of chocolate lovers must be feeling.

Image Credit: ABC
