As with any catastrophe, there’s a lot of blame going round concerning the 9 day unwanted holiday of the hundreds of thousands of furloughed government workers; but of those who are being pointed at as most responsible for the government shutdown, Republicans are getting the lion’s share. This has been confirmed in the latest Gallup poll, which says that the republicans are at a “record low” in the American favor, with just 28 percent giving them a favorable impression, down 10 percent from last month, and a record high of 60 percent giving them an unfavorable rating.
Compare this to the Democrats, who are at 43 percent favorable rating, down just 4 points from September, and 49 percent giving them disfavor able rating.
This means that according to the Gallup Poll 27 percent of Republicans look at their own party disfavorably.
Gallup has noted that “this is the lowest favorable rating measured for either party since Gallup began asking this question in 1992.”
The disfavorable impression no doubt relates to the use Republicans such as House Speaker John Boehner have made of the need to raise the debt ceiling; the Republican plan has been to use such an opportunity to hamstring Obamacare, a Republican bête noir from its inception. With the thousands of furloughed job, and the Oct. 17 deadline before America defaults, this is not a game the nation seems comfortable in playing.