Archaeological Dig in Turkey Unearths Apparent “Holy” Relic in Balatlar Church

Archaeologists in Turkey believe they may have found a piece of the cross that Jesus was crucified on. Professor Gülgün Köroğlu and her team began their digging on the shores of the black sea. At a seventh century building located in Sinop, Turkey, a stone chest was uncovered with what they believe are possible holy relics. The dig found objects that the excavation team believe may be “directly connected with Jesus Christ,” according to the Huffington Post.

At this time archaeologists and scientists have been testing the items in the stone chest, and it has been taken to laboratory for further evaluation. The appearance of the chest suggested that it held sacred items that seemed to belong to a holy person. The team showed that the site had a stone with crosses carved into it.

The head of the excavation team stated, “ we have found a holy thing in a chest. It is a piece of a cross and we think it was [part of the cross on which Jesus was crucified.] This stone chest is very important to us. It has a history and is the most important artifact we have unearthed so far.

Along with this possible holy relic which was found at Balatlar Church-built in 660AD, Professor Gülgün Köroğlu  and her team have uncovered the ruins of an ancient Roman bath and more than 1000 human skeletons. This uncovering of a possible relic of Jesus may yet add more fuel to the controversial fire raised by Professor Reza Aslan’s new book, “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.”
