The Triangle’s Four Law Schools are Expecting Smaller Incoming Classes

The Triangle’s four law schools, Campbell University, Duke, N.C. Central and UNC Law, are now looking towards a total of 825 incoming students, down from 863 in 2010 and 852 in 2012. These numbers are based on quick check-ins with their admissions offices this week, according to the Triangle Business Journal. The exact numbers will not be made concrete until the first week of classes. This situation will remain so until late August, where scholarship offers and student financial aid come in.

Not all schools are shrinking in student enrollment size. Raleigh’s Campbell University law school and N. C. Central University are on track, while Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill have increasing incoming student class sizes.

The deans of admissions keep a watchful eye on the job market. A change in the situation can drastically pull in students or keep them considering. The hiring situation remains sluggish at many firms. The economy is slow and some firms made decisions to shrink or combine.

According to the Triangle Business Journal, waning interest among would-be applicants may be a major factor. The tepid job market will definitely force any prospective student to weigh their options. An investment in one’s future is always beneficial, however the cost is high, and investments all should be carefully judged.
