Categories: Law Life

What’s Beautiful

This is a sponsored post through FitFluential and Under Armour. While I was not compensated, I was provided with apparel. All opinions are my own.

I mentioned a while back that I’d joined the What’s Beautiful Campaign by Under Armour. The idea is to find a goal that defines what’s beautiful to you, and use the support of your teams to achieve your goal.

I love the idea behind this campaign and chose my goals to be PR-ing my 5K and half marathon times, and I added the goal of becoming stronger. Right now I’m working to achieve my goals by doing short HIIT runs (when my IT band allows) and doing more focused heavy lifting in the gym, which I’m loving right now!

You know what else I’m loving? The gear that Under Armour sent us! I’m pretty picky, especially when it comes to tops and shoes, and I LOVE this top (not to tight and falls nicely) and these shoes – SO COMFY!

The shoes are perfect for my strength training days in the gym!

I’ve taken way too many gym selfies this week…

I decided to start a team called Do You. Be You. Love You., based on the idea of learning to love yourself exactly how you are NOW.

My first challenge to my team members? Write a list of 10 things that you love about yourself. Sounds easy enough, right? I was actually surprised, once I sat down to write my list, how much harder it was than I anticipated to come up with 10 things! Here’s my list:

So I challenge you, whether you just write it down on a piece of scrap paper, put it in your phone, or make an image and add it to the group (which you SHOULD do!), do this! Just take 5 minutes and write down 10 things that you love about yourself.

Did you make a list? No? GO DO IT.

What’s a goal that you have right now?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.