Categories: Law Life

WIAW–Bar Prep

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all enjoying your 4 day week!!! For today’s WIAW, I wanted to show you a typical day of bar prep for me! Today’s WIAW comes from yesterday! If you’re new to What I Ate Wednesday, head over to Peas and Crayons to see what it’s all about, and check out the other participating bloggers!

I woke up around 4:50am, had some coffee and half a banana, put up my blog post and then headed off to the gym! Since Boot Camp ended last week I decided I wanted to focus more on strength and weights, so I’m following just the workout plan from Jamie Eason’s Livefit Trainer (NOT the meal plan) to get in some weights. Yesterday was chest & triceps, and I did 10 minutes of elliptical at the beginning and threw in 10 more at the end since I finished early.

After the gym I headed home, showered, got dressed, packed up and had a few extra minutes so I decided to eat my overnight oats at home and then head off to school. They included 1/3 cup oatmeal, 1 T chia seeds, 2/3 cup almond milk, cinnamon, stevia, vanilla, 1/2 T psyllium husk, blueberries and almond butter.

After breakfast I caught the bus downtown and headed to class. I got some iced coffee and a couple hours in I had a cinnamon roll Quest Bar. SO good.

We finished class early (about 11:45), so I headed to a room to study with a couple other girls and after a while I was ready for lunch! I heated up the lunch I brought, which included chicken sausage, quinoa, and roasted carrots, squash and brussel sprouts. I’m a fan!

A couple hours of studying later I ran back over to Starbucks and grabbed a coffee and a Kind Bar.

Aaaaand a couple hours after that (just after 4) I had to head back up to Lincoln Park for a hair cut. After I took the train back up there I snacked on a banana while I was walking to my appointment. I was getting hungry and knew it would take an hour and a half (I get my hair cut at a school, so it’s way cheaper but it takes longer) and didn’t want to get hangry!

When I got home I was feeling breakfast for dinner, so I microwaved a sweet potato and topped it with an egg, some egg whites, avocado, ketchup and had some sauerkraut on the side (don’t judge).

Later on in the evening I decided to pull out an old favorite and made some peach “ice cream.” Into the Vitamix went some frozen peaches, stevia, vanilla, xantham gum and almond milk.

Um, I forgot how GOOD this is! Seriously! Topped with chocolate sauce (cocoa powder and stevia mixed with water) and almond butter on the side! I most definitely had two bowls.

Have you ever had overnight oats? What did you think?

Anyone else a breakfast for dinner fan? What’s your favorite breakfast for dinner meal?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.