Categories: Law Life

Running Survey

Happy Sunday! Geez the weekend is flying by much too quickly for my liking! It’s been a while since I’ve done a survey, and I saw this one one Lindsay’s blog yesterday, so clearly I had to steal it from her! Thanks Linds!

Age: 25
Country/State/General Vicinity: Chicago, IL

Year you ran your first mile without walking: Hmm. Well, I don’t think I managed to run without walking when we had to run the mile in middle school for gym, so probably in High School when I had to run for field hockey.

Year you became a “runner”?: Oh gosh… I ran a little bit during college to help get in shape (aka try to counteract my horrible eating/drinking habits), but I never started running with a purpose until I moved to Chicago in 2010 and decided to train for a 10K.

Why you run now: I love running! It’s “me” time. It’s a great physical and mental release, and I love that I can just zone out while running, which I can’t seem to do in any other kind of exercise. Plus it makes me feel confident and proud of myself.

What’s the most you’ve ever spent on a sports bra?: Um, maybe $16? I buy most of mine from Target, although now I scour TJ Maxx when I need new ones.

First race: My very first race was actually a trail run in Northern Michigan called the Port Oneida 5K Barn to Barn Run/Walk. I ran it in 2010 when I had just started training for my 10K. I was visiting my friend and her family in Glen Arbor and they were all participating, so I had to sign up! It was hard but fun, very hilly!

Last race: My last race was a Turkey Trot 5K in Kansas City with my dad!

3 races you most wish you could run: Ooo geez. That’s hard because I feel like I keep hearing about more races that I’d love to do. I’d have to say my dream races are the New York Marathon, Big Sur Marathon and Pike’s Peak Marathon. Haha, no idea if I’ll ever actually do them!

Favorite race: The Chicago Marathon, of course! I loved the race and highly recommend it, especially as your first marathon. The course is lined with spectators and goes throughout all different parts of Chicago, so you’re never bored. The support was really amazing.

Best running advice you’ve ever received:

First running shoe: Hmmm… Well the first pair of shoes I bought specifically for running were mizunos, (B) in the picture below:

Do you run with a watch?: When I run outside, I run with my Garmin Forerunner 305. I know a lot of people like to just go out and run, but I’m a huge numbers person. I love statistics and I always put my runs into Daily Mile. I just like knowing the numbers!

Running goals for 2013: My two goals for 2013 (after getting back on my running feet) are to PR in a 5K and in a half marathon!


5K – 24:41

10K – 52:15

10 miles – 1:26:31

Half Marathon – 1:58:56

Marathon – 4:21:06

Your turn! Answer as many of these as you’d like!

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.