Categories: Law Life

WIAW–Grocery Staples

Soooo I’m getting a little bored of my What I Ate Wednesday Posts, aren’t you? They’ve been getting repetitive: sweet potato with eggs and avocado, stir-fry dishes with peppers, zucchini, spinach, carrots and TJ’s chicken sausage, protein ice cream, KIND bars, you know the drill. I was taking pictures for this week’s WIAW and realized it was going to be the exact same! Well, rather than subject you all to my food rut, I thought I’d change things up this week.

My dear friend, Kelsey, did a Grocery Store Staples post this week, and then informed all of us that she wanted to know what we all bought. So I figured this would be the perfect opportunity. Here are all the foods I’ve been buying consistently over the past couple of months, give or take a few items.

If you’re new to What I Ate Wednesday, head on over to Peas and Crayons to check it out!

Spinach: ever since I found out I was iron-deficient I’ve been choosing spinach as my greens of choice, I usually sauté it by itself as a breakfast side, or mix it into a stir-fry type dish.

Trader Joe’s Chicken Sausage: Spicy Jalapeno is my current favorite and go through this stuff like crazy. I’ve been stressed out with school and everything else going on, so having this pre-prepared protein source has been a lifesaver. I do hope to switch things up come January though and be less dependent on these.

KIND BARS!!! Duh. These are my favorite gluten-free, soy-free (other than soy-lechtin) bars. They are delicious, I find them everywhere and there are tons of different flavors so I never get bored.

Condiments: These are always in my pantry – Stevia from Trader Joe’s, cinnamon, vanilla, sriracha, and cocoa powder!

Sweet Potatoes: I eat one every morning for breakfast! Although I have to be honest, I’m getting a liiiiittle bored of this breakfast, but it’s so easy and quick so it will be continuing until finals are over. Plus I’ll always love sweet potatoes.

Bell Peppers: Over the past year I’ve been slowly figuring out which veggies my stomach handles well, and bell peppers are one of them, so I buy this tri-color pack from Trader Joe’s. I have, however, decided to try and buy organic whenever I can find them.

Other veggies I can tolerate? Carrots and zucchini! These are always in my fridge.

Eggs: I used to be scared to eat whole eggs – I was an egg-whites only kind of girl. However with my anemia and some time, I realized whole eggs are great for me and keep me full so much longer. Two every morning!

Oats: I used to eat oats every single morning for breakfast, and even though I’m on a new sweet potato kick, I still always have these in my apartment and make them every week or so. They’re great as a quick grain when I’m throwing together a meal. And who knows, maybe I’ll be back on oats soon!

Peppermint Tea: I have lots of teas in my apartment, but peppermint is my new favorite. I used to hate it, but it really makes my stomach feel better so I’ve learned to love it! And yes, it tastes like toothpaste at first.

Flax Milk: I’ve been using this milk for almost a year, and so far it’s my favorite for mixing into anything. I know it sounds weird, flax milk, right? But I like it!

I guarantee you if I do this post again in 6 months, this might be totally different! That’s one thing I’ve learned since starting this blog, we all go through various food phases in our lives. I love looking back and seeing what I was in love with a year ago, or 2 years ago. Haha this list would be WAY different my freshman year of college!

Do you go through food phases?

What are some of your staples?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.