Categories: Law Life

Inspiring, Beautiful and Sunshine Awards!

Over the past couple of months I’ve been nominated for a few blogger awards by some of my lovely readers! I kind of stink at remembering this and posting the questions you’re supposed to answer when nominated, so I decided to do them all at once! I was nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award by Krissy and the City, the Sunshine Award by Eating For Balance, and the Very Inspiring Blogger Award by Ready Set Feast.

Thanks ladies!

Two of the awards say to write seven things about yourself, so I’ll just do that once, and then the Sunshine award seems to have specific questions.

Here are seven random things about me:

1. I’ve only been to the Caribbean. It’s so upsetting, the only countries I’ve been to are the British Virgin Islands and the Bahamas. I seriously want to go to Europe. Like yesterday. Or 5 years ago.

2. I have raynauds syndrome. It’s a condition where my fingers and toes turn white and go completely numb. It happens anywhere from being outside in the cold for a little too long, to even holding a cold glass in the summer…

3. I love the Today Show. My favorite thing to do when I’m home is to watch the Today show. I drag myself out of bed by 7am no matter what to mosey downstairs and watch for a bit. While reading blogs, of course.

4. I say “that’s rude” way too much. I feel like Stephanie Tanner from Full House, except I say “that’s rude” rather than “how rude.” I even say it in my head, a lot. For example I just checked the weather and it’s 31 degrees out. The first thought in my head? That’s rude.

5. I can let my foot dangle over the side of the bed. Ever since I head this awful scary story as a kid from my friend’s little brother, I can’t let any part of my body hang over the bed. I won’t repeat the story… it’s too creepy.

6. I have a black thumb. Not literally. I can’t keep plants alive. As we speak I’m staring at my quickly dying succulent that I bought from Trader Joe’s in hopes that I could manage to not kill it… At least I’ve had my goldfish for over 2 years?

7. I’m really good at keeping secrets. Feel free to share your deepest and darkest secrets with me, I won’t tell! I’ll be tempted… haha but I won’t. I’m pretty good at this one, mostly because I think before I speak.

Here are the 10 questions and my answers from the Sunshine Award:

1. Who is your favorite philosopher? Really? I never even took a philosophy course… Lol can I say everyone whose writings are in the bible? Or Pinterest? Hahahahahaha. Yes, pinterest.

2. What is your favorite number? 12. I love the number 12 because it can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, and it’s easy to multiply: 24, 36, 48, 60, etc…

3. What is your favorite animal? The Blue Whale!!! It’s my dream to see one, or even swim near one… haha. I also love elephants and would love to ride one (like actually sit on it, and not just in one of those big seats, I think I’ve done that).


4. What are your facebook and twitter? https://www.facebook.com/pages/Peace-Love-Oats/225819917472557 and @PeaceLoveOats

5. What is your favorite time of day? Morning! I am way more productive in the morning, and I love being up and having a ton of things done before other people are even awake!

6. What was your favorite vacation? Oh geez, that’s hard. I loved going skiing with my family in Utah when I was younger, but more recently would probably just be simple trips to Colorado Springs with my family!

7. What is your favorite physical activity? RUNNING!!!!

8. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Hahahaha I like that it had to be specified as non-alcoholic. This is hard… probably hot apple cider, but I rarely have that. I also love shirley temples… with cherries of course.

9. What is your favorite flower? Oooo this has always been difficult for me, but I think right now I’d have to say tulips!


10. What is your passion? Helping other people. That’s all I know so far – I am happiest when I’m giving other people advice and helping them get to where they want to be.

For all these awards I’m supposed to nominate people, but my favorite people are all my readers, so I nominate YOU!

Pick some questions and answer! OR what’s a random fact about you?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.