Categories: Weird News

Boy Refuses to Clean Patrol Car: Tased to Show “What Happens” When You “Don’t Listen to Police”

A lawsuit filed last week in the Santa Fe District Court brought to notice the fact of a 10-year-old boy refusing to clean the patrol car of a New Mexico Cop and being tased unconscious with the cop yelling, “Let me show you what happens to people who do not listen to police.”

The incident took place on “Career Day” at New Mexico Intermediate School in May, when the officer was emphasizing the benefits of career as a cop to schoolchildren. The cop, identified as Motor Transportation Officer Chris Webb, says it was an accident and he missed that the taser was loaded. According to his version of the events, it would appear the weapon, which shot 50,000 volts into the child and rendered him unconscious on the spot, was little more than a toy.

Records show, that Webb was put on suspension for three days.

According to the lawsuit, the officer asked a group of boys, who among them wanted to clean his patrol unit. This particular boy refused to clean the car. Then, all in a joke, Webb brought out his taser, pointed it at the child’s test in front of the assembled group of children and tased two barbs into his chest. The boy, identified in the lawsuit as “R.D.” instantly fell unconscious.

Without calling for emergency help, Webb then proceeded to carry the boy to the bathroom of the school and pull out the barbs and clean him. He also had a talk with the boy’s mother, with the officials in the school, and then later, Webb and some other officers also called up the boy’s home to make sure everything was well.

But everything, apparently, was not well with the child who suffered trauma, and as a result the lawsuit was filed last week in the State of New Mexico First Judicial District Court, County of Santa Fe, by Rachel Higgins, acting as Guardian ad litem, on behalf of the minor child.
