Categories: Law Life

Thursday Thoughts


I can’t believe it’s Thursday. Seriously. I’m kind of freaking out. THREE DAYS and 1 wake up! My parents get in town TOMORROW.

Can you tell I’m trying to wrap my mind around this?

It’s too much. Let’s move on to Thursday thoughts.

1. Picmonkey has a new section for Halloween. Obviously I used it to make myself into a creepy vampire:

2. Tina wrote a great post this week about taking action to change your life now rather than putting it off. It’s so true for all of us, finding ourselves months or years later still wishing we’d get started on the same goals.

3. You know how I mentioned I was getting rid of Hulu Plus on my goals post? Well… about 24 hours later I had re-subscribed. That didn’t last long. I realized that 1) I like being able to watch shows the next day and not wait a whole week after everyone is already talking about it and 2) I’ve already gone through the seasons of all the shows I wanted to, so I felt like it was safe to get back on. We’ll see how this goes…

4. Hey Runner Girl hasn’t posted a picture of Ryan Gosling since June… So I’m taking matters into my own hand and making my own:

5. Currently marathon-day weather is… well… FREEZING. I was so not prepared for this, I have no idea what to wear! I did, however, ask my dad to get my some incredibly flattering sweats from Walmart to wear at the start. Sadly I’ll be tossing them…

6. We chose a new book for our Chicago HLB Book Club called Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. I reviewed another book of hers called Gone Girl, but so far I like this one WAY MORE. I’m already halfway done… I get excited to commute to school so I can read it on the bus!

7. While searching for Ryan Gosling pictures, I found a new Hey Girl site for law school. Not as good as running, but still entertaining.

8. My run today (the LAST ONE BEFORE THE MARATHON) is 2 miles. TWO. One mile. Two mile. DONE. I could not tell you the last time I did a 2 mile run. 20 minutes. done. This whole wrapping my mind around what’s happening thing clearly isn’t going well.

9. I had a dream last night that I was up on a bridge looking down into the water and it was full of all sorts of sea creatures: sharks, killer whales, and adorable little baby dolphins. Then I dropped my wallet (containing my phone) and a killer whale leapt up and ate it. Thoughts? Meanings? Analyze. Go! I also saw a guy from high school and a girl who visited from Norway on the bridge. Totally random.

10. Oh My Gosh. Who is making these for my birthday?!

Do you have any fun websites like Hey Runner Girl?

Anyone else obsessed with picmonkey right now?

What does my dream mean!?!?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.