Categories: Law Life

Thursday Thoughts

Sooo…. Anyone notice some odd things happening on the blog yesterday?

Umm yea.

So here it goes: I decided to switch over to self-hosted rather than hosting through WordPress (moved from wordpress.com to wordpress.org). Please ignore this jargon if it’s too much. Lol it’s too much for me. Anyway, most people pay someone to do this. I am cheap. I decided to do it myself! Hahahahahahaha that was fun. I did all the switching over stuff at the end of last week and it just said it would take around a week to switch over so I put it in the back of my mind and moved on.

Well, this morning when I tried to publish my WIAW post I was greeted with a surprise: NOTHING WAS WORKING!!??!!? AHHHHHH. So it switched over, but I had no idea what to do at that point. I literally spent my entire day trying to get everything corrected. For a while it was directing to a different URL and I had no way to tell all my readers that the URL had changed… So I was freaking out. I spent countless hours on live chat with support people and finally got every thing done. Not sure what happened exactly during my classes… oops. I was a ball of anxiety. Silly to be anxious over, but I was having a rough day as it was and this was just one more big thing to deal with.

I’m sure you all wanted to hear that? Haha, I try and be honest. Anyway, the blog may change a bit more over the weekend when I have some more time to work on things, so I apologize if things get funny when you try and visit! It’s a work in progress! And if anyone knows things about bluehost, wordpress.org and especially plug-ins (WTF is a plug-in!?!?) please feel free to let me know!

So now that I’ve shared some of yesterday’s stress, here are some Thursday Thoughts to ramble on about and relax our minds! Yessss. This is  my favorite post of the week.

1. This is my new favorite song. It was basically on repeat yesterday:

2. I have started reading MWF Seeking BFF, which is the new book this month for our Chicago Healthy Living Blogger Book Club. Lol that was a long title. So far I’m finding it fascinating. Feel free to read along, I’ll definitely be posting a review! Probably sometime around October 1st.

3. Molly is so bizarre. She’ll find the weirdest places to sit. Here she was trying to get closer to my brother to get him to pet her. Totally comfortable.

4. In Colorado Springs the people who owned our house before us had a wooden dog… My mother has named it Chief (after the Kansas City Chiefs, obviously) and when my brother was there he took several pictures of chief in various places around the house. He has been group-texting them to the family sporadically over the past few weeks. It’s fantastic.

5. Do you ever have days where you just can’t keep up with your reader? Yesterday was definitely one of those days, I spent so much time working on my blog that I barely read any others. P.S. I read a lot of blogs that I don’t comment on for time’s sake, so don’t be surprised if I pop out of no where on your comments section one day!

6. Two more blog posts were added to my reader in the time it took me to “snip” that picture and add it on to my post. This is INSANE. Can you tell I’m running out of thoughts? My brain is not functioning well anymore.

7. No way this workout (seen on pinterest) burns 100 calories. I don’t even burn a full 100 calories running a mile. This is so not equivalent to a mile. Check out Ashley’s guest post on this subject!

8. Thanks to Caitlin’s post, I found out about Jog.Fm, which is AMAZING. I’ve never been able to find somewhere that lists the bpm of songs! Now I can compile a great playlist for the marathon that will keep my going at the right pace!

9. I LOVE this movie. Did anyone else watch this movie all the time? It was on TV a lot, I swear. I think it’s still on Netflix open streaming… maybe. I watched it a few months ago. Love. I saw this quote on pinterest and had to share.

10. Yes, I got on pinterest to find more thoughts. Don’t judge. So all these fall clothes are making me want to SHOP like a mad woman. It’s dangerous seeing as I have no income… Good thing I have very little time to shop. Bad thing I have access to the internet and online shopping…

Does your reader ever overwhelm you?

What’s your favorite song right now?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.