Categories: Law Life

The Secrets to Motivation

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! Today is my last day of my internship, and then tomorrow I’m off to Kansas City! Well, I’ve got a 15 miler in there somewhere, but we’ll just forget about that. Also, yesterday I mentioned that you should follow my instagram, and if you had you’d see my tabata workout!

I made it up after a 3 mile treadmill run when I didn’t have much time left in the gym! It kept me sweating and was a great way to get in some strength before heading out the door! And yes, this picture took me about 15 min to put together because I kept messing it up…

A couple weeks ago I received an e-mail from a reader asking about how I motivate myself to stick to my training plan and get out there and run! I realize many of you (including this reader) are dealing with tough heat, difficult schedules, vacations, family, etc. and might have a hard time getting in a workout or sticking to a training plan.

Just for me it’s been hard, but luckily I WANT to run this marathon so badly that I’m very motivated to do all of my runs. It’s not easy getting up at 5am and running before work (thank goodness that will be over soon!) but it’s important to me, so I make it happen!

Here are some of my tips for motivation:

1. Have your “Why”

Ask yourself WHY you signed up for this race. What are you most excited about? What is your driving force? This is what you need to remember when things get tough!

Personally, I love running and races because it makes me feel confident and good about myself. I LOVE the feeling when I finish a race or run that I was scared to do. I also love the community and the feeling of camaraderie from a race. I also love having a goal to work towards! Without one I tend to just feel lost, I like to have a purpose to my exercise.

2. Put it where you can SEE it.

Put your training plan up on a wall and mark off each of your training runs as you do them. Also, put your training plan in your calendar! I use google calendar and each of my runs is scheduled in there so I don’t forget and I can schedule them around other things in my life.

3. Bribe yourself into enjoying your workout!

Listen to a great audiobook or podcasts! When I run I love to listen to podcasts or audiobooks (Harry Potter for me!) so I make a rule that I can’t listen unless I’m running! Even put together a great playlist and only listen to it when you’re working out. This way you’ll want to run/workout so you can listen!

4. Get support

Tell people about the race! Make it a big deal! The more you know your friends and family will be there to support you, the more you’ll want to make them proud by completing the race! Schedule a dinner the night before, or a brunch after, and ask people to come cheer you on!

It’s not always easy, but if you really want it, you’ll make it happen!

How do you motivate yourself?

Do you like audiobooks?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.