Law Life

August Goals
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YAY!!!! It’s FINALLY Friday!!! Haha I actually lucked out and don’t really have to work today – someone in my office owns a sailboat and invited the interns to go sailing for the afternoon! I’m basically thrilled. I used to sail every summer at camp growing up, for 8 years, and a taught it when I was a counselor. I also have been lucky enough to go  on 3 week-long sailing trips.


But guess what? I haven’t sailed in 6 years. SIX YEARS. It’s hard to describe how painful that is for me. Sailing is something that is a part of me, there’s no where in the world that I’m happier than on a sailboat. I miss it sooooo much! Haha I’m knocking on wood right now so I don’t jinx our trip this afternoon!


Okay, okay, enough about sailing! As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I need to do my Goals! A recap from last month (to see how I did) and new goals for August!

Here’s how July went:

July Goal Recap

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1) Be more social. I think I did a pretty good job on this one! I had brunch with several friends throughout the month, hosted a blogger froyo meet up, hung out with Chelsey a few times, went to the Chobani dinner at Boka, went to spin with Sierra, and a few other dinners and meet-ups here and there. Doesn’t sound like much, but it was definitely an improvement over June!


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2) HAVE FUN at the Chicago Rock N Roll Half Marathon! YES! I’m not going to lie, it was HARD and I certainly wouldn’t call those last couple of miles “fun” but I trusted the training program, I didn’t worry too much about it, and I really did enjoy the race (haha, the first 8 miles at least).

3) READ MORE BOOKS! BOOYAH. Another goal fully accomplished! As you all saw from mybook reviews, I read several books this month: Anthem by Ann Rand, Wild by Cheryl Strayed, Insurgent by Veronica Roth, and Sisterhood Everlasting by Ann Brashares. That’s a book a week!

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4) Be better about keeping my apartment clean. Ehhh. I did alright with this one. I was fairly good about keeping things clean, better than before. However the weekend I spent with my brother’s dog, Molly (the same as the Rock N Roll Half) I wasn’t home at all so it turned into a mess for the week after that. Otherwise, I did alright on this one. Haha no, “booyah” though.


August Goals:

1) Keep up training while traveling. August is a crazy month for me. I have my last week and a half of my internship, then I fly to KC, drive to Colorado Springs, fly to Boston for the Healthy Living Summit, fly back to Chicago, and then a week later start my last year of law school. Somewhere in there I also have to train for a marathon and keep up strength training so I don’t get injured! So my goal is to keep to my training plan as best I can (my biggest issue is a 16 miler the weekend of HLS…) but don’t freak out if I miss a shorter run!

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2) Have fun at Healthy Living Summit! You may have noticed, but I tend to be a worry wart, I get anxious really easily! My way of dealing with this? Not thinking about it. My goal for HLS is to not worry that I’ll have trouble with the food served (due to my intolerances), or that I won’t make some friends, or that I’ll feel super awkward, or that I won’t have cute outfits, or that I’ll die during the workout session and embarrass myself, or blah blah blah BLAH. I need to tell my brain to chill out and just have fun!

3) Keep in touch with friends. I had a similar goal a month or two ago about calling people. I need to bring this back! I have a friend who I’ve known since I was at least 2 and I realized when I talked to her on gchat the other day that I hadn’t spoken to her since May. MAY. That’s insane. I also want to be sure to see as many friends and family members as I can while I’m home. Seeing as I’ll be there for 2 full days, this might be quite a task. But I’m up for it!



Do you worry a lot, or are you more go with the flow?

Are you really social, or more of a home body/”me time” person?



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