Categories: Law Life

Wild Book Review + Giveaway Winner!

Good morning everyone! (or afternoon depending on when you read…) Who’s excited that today is Friday!!! I am!! Only two more weeks left at my internship and then I’m headed home for a couple days! I’m very excited for the break, and going back to my student schedule rather than this whole 9-5 thing. I’ve definitely gotten used to it, but I still can’t say I’m a fan… Haha.

**Edited to Add:

Giveaway winner!!!!

The winner is: kbwood “I like drinking water with a little bit of lemon! And VERY cold!”

Please send me and e-mail and we’ll get you your gift certifiicate!

So I’ve been getting back into the reading groove recently and I have a new book review to share with you!

The book for Julie’s book club this month is Wild by Cheryl Strayed. I was really excited when this book was chosen because it sounded like it would be a really interesting story. I clearly REALLY wanted to read it because after seeing that I would never get it from the library I ordered it online… and it was stolen out of my lobby. We have issue with someone stealing packages, and apparently they thought mine looked appealing. What’s a girl to do? I was very frustrated but I WANTED to read this book! So I bought the e-version and read it on my iPhone! Paid for twice. Worth every penny.

I really, really enjoyed reading this book. I never felt like there was a dull moment, I hated having to put it down! The book describes not only Cheryl’s 1100 mile solo hike on the Pacific Crest Trail, but also how she dealt with the death of her mother. The story switches back and forth between Cheryl’s hike and the story of how she ended up on that trail, including her childhood, her mother’s sudden death from cancer and her subsequent unraveling.

The Pacific Crest Trail runs from Mexico into Canada, along the Rocky Mountains. Cheryl decided that she needed to hike it, and hike it alone. She chose a section of the trail and headed out, with only a few months of preparation and no hiking experience other than a rustic upbringing.

What I loved about this book was how honest it felt. Cheryl didn’t hide anything, her emotions and thoughts were open and raw for the reader to see. You felt like you knew Cheryl, that you understood her journey. Not only was her character intriguing, but she met so many interesting people along the way. The camaraderie among those who hike the Pacific Crest Trail was apparent immediately and she came across quite an abundance of characters. One thing that bothered me about the book was that she kept getting off the trail, but after a while I realized that all the experience she had and the people she met were the point of the story, not just accomplishing the hike.

I loved this book so much that it inspired me to do my own little hike! As I mentioned last week, I’m going to hike up Pike’s Peak in a few weeks by myself with very little hiking experience. I am SO EXCITED. Haha, my trip is only 13 miles, but I know it will be a great experience nevertheless.

Have you read a book that inspired you recently?

What are you doing this weekend?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.