Disciplined Lawmaker Protests with “Vagina Monologue” Performance on Steps of State Capitol

Michigan Democratic Lawmaker Lisa Brown has found a more appropriate venue for her innuendos equating abortion laws with rape: she will be speaking tonight on the steps of Michigan’s Capitol in Lansing, performing “The Vagina Monologues,” with nine other democratic politicians and various actors from around Michigan.

Her statement, which concluded a speech of the irrelevancy of Jewish law regarding state law, as a means of demonstrating the analogous irrelevancy of Christian law, was that “I’m flattered you’re all so interested in my vagina, but no means no.”

“I used an anatomically correct word,” she said, not mentioning the innuendo. “I said vagina. Is there something wrong with that? Can I not say elbow? I don’t see the difference.”

Not knowing her vagina from her elbow isn’t stopping her speaking tonight partly in protest from her ban for acting “inappropriately.” Rep. Barb Byrum has extended her ban to Rep. Barb Byrum who proposed banning men from getting a vasectomy unless the sterilization procedure is necessary to save a man’s life.

The histrionics begin this evening with Brown speaking 6-8 p.m. Commentators are complaining that abortion politics is getting confused with gender issues and a battle of the sexes, overlooking the women who support the republican legislation which sought to limit a woman’s access to having an abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The new legislation would allow late-term abortion only if the mother’s life were at stake.

Daniel June: Daniel June studied English literature at Michigan State University, graduating in 2003. Working a potpourri of jobs since, from cake-decorator to proofreader, his passion has always been writing, resulting in books of essays, novels, and children’s novellas.