Categories: Law Life

Thursday Thoughts

Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well! I’m in Colorado Springs now enjoying a couple days with my mom. We arrived Tuesday night and I’ll be heading to Denver on Friday, then back to Colorado Saturday! Only a couple days so I’m trying to enjoy my time here!

Haha don’t be too jealous, on Tuesday I begin a full-time unpaid internship… Great opportunity, don’t get me wrong, but so hard to wrap my head around working another summer unpaid and with no time for a part time job if I also want to train for the marathon… Ahhhhhh. Oh well, trying not to stress! Hence the need for this time in Colorado!

Seeing as it’s Thursday, it’s time for more Thursday Thoughts!

1. This recipe basically involves mixing whisked egg whites with applesauce and a few other things. I didn’t know you could just eat plain egg whites? Is that okay? Haha I hope so because I want to try this!

2. I’ve discovered that President Obama is stalking me. Yes, he is forming his very busy schedule around mine. Why, you ask? Well, he gave the commencement speech at a high school in Joplin, MO a couple days ago while I was in KC (Joplin is south of KC) and then he gave the commencement speech at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs on my first day there! See? Totally stalking me. Right? I must be important…

3. These look sooooo good! I love corn bread and I think these cornbread cakes would be delicious!

4. I love reading Emily’s blog, Daily Garnish. Mostly, I love watching her adorable son, Cullen, grow up! One thing I found very amusing is that he is about 7 months old and has a full head of hair. I, however, was not so lucky as a child. Here I am on my first birthday:

Please note that 1) I am practically bald and 2) I clearly loved cake from an early age…

5. I saw this and now am dying for chocolate chip cookies with (gluten free) pretzels mixed in. How delicious does that sound? And yes, I realize there is a lot of food on this Thursday Thoughts edition…

6. My twin, Amy Lee, has called me many times over the past couple weeks. I have yet to return her phone call (okay, I tried once). I can never answer (or don’t hear it) when she calls and then I forget to call back when I have time. Fault #346: I am awful at calling people. Amy Lee, please accept this as my formal apology. I loooove you!

p.s. When I say “twin” it’s a sorority thing. Lol, for clarification.

7. My mom and I are planning on going to the zoo today. The Zoo. In the mountains. Feel free to be jealous. I LOVE the zoo!!!! 

8. I’ve not been feeling well lately with traveling and some GI issues brought on by a new prescription, so today I am going to try and only think “happy thoughts” because those always make me (mentally) feel better!

Are you a good phone person?

Head of hair or baldie as a kid?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.