Categories: Law Life

April Showers Bring…

Hey everyone, did you all survive Monday? Somehow I did… My legs were crazy sore! Mostly my quads and my calf muscles, and sitting in class all day sure didn’t help! Today I want to share my goals for April with all of you, but first, a quick book review!

I participated in Julie’s book club again this month and loved her choice: The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes. With all the distopias I’ve been reading, this was a nice change!

This book is interesting because it’s kind of a mystery, but the reader knows the secret the whole time! The anticipation comes from waiting to see whether the secret is revealed, which makes it nerve-wracking to read, it was almost like a suspenseful movie! Haha you should have seen my face in parts, I’m sure people on the bus thought I was crazy!

The story follows you a young woman who gets involved in a crime because she is in love with an older college student and will do anything for him. She learns quickly that he was using her (duh!!!) and her whole life is turned upside down. One thing that bothered me was the difficulty I had liking one of the main characters, Corinne. Her behavior as she grew up was awful, and I think I feel that way because I strongly believe that family is one of the most important things in life, including respecting our parents (yes, Dad, I just said that).

Despite my dislike of Corinne’s behavior (which I can’t really talk about or it will give away a lot of the book!) I really enjoyed reading this book. I actually got excited to go to school because it meant I could read this during my commute! I would recommend this book if you’re looking for a suspenseful novel and a quick, fun read.

Now, back to me!! Haha.

I realize that it’s already the 3rd of April, but because of my half marathon, I’m just now getting to do my goals post! If you’re new to the blog, every month I come up with new goals to work on, and re-cap my goals from last month. Here are my past goal posts:

March 2012 Goals

February 2012 Goals

January 2012 Goals

2012 Goals

December 2011 Goals

November 2011 Goals

October 2011 Goals

September 2011 Goals

Whew! I’ve been doing this for a while! I didn’t realize how many that was! These go back to before I got my own domain and I used blogspot!

Alright, enough of that. Let’s take a look at my March goals and see how I did:

1. Give more compliments and complain less! I did alright with this one, although I wish I’d written this goal down somewhere that I could see to remind me about it every day. I think I might try and keep this one up because I love giving compliments because I know how good it feels to get them!

2. Get more healthy fats in my diet and eat more earlier in the day.

I did a little better with this one but not anything amazing. I have certain breakfasts that I like so it was a little harder to just add in more calories without making it too much food. I did work on making my morning snack bigger though, which really helped curb my hunger until my late lunchtime most days. Also something I’m going to keep up!

3. Cook at least two new meals with my parents in Colorado.

Hmmm… okay didn’t really do this. We did cook dinner at home a couple times, but it wasn’t anything new for me. Honestly, I just wanted to relax and enjoy the time and not worry about cooking. I actually had less free time than I anticipated because I kept wanting to get outside in the gorgeous weather!

4. Follow my Best Body Bootcamp and be a Rockstar!!!

Did this one except for last week! I followed all the Best Body Bootcamp workouts, but last week I had to tailor the plan to fit my tapering. I did the upper body workout and the cardio, but I didn’t do any leg strength training because I didn’t want to be sore. I’m excited about being able to fully dedicate myself for the second half of bootcamp now that my training is over!

Now that we’ve taken a look at how I did last month, it’s time to look at my new goals for the month of April!

April Goals

1. Take spinning classes. I had intended to take spinning a while back, but I realized with my half marathon training and Best Body Bootcamp, I just wouldn’t have time to fit it in! I actually bought a Groupon for 4 classes to a local spinning studio, so I’m excited to try it out this month now that my half is over and give spinning another chance!

2. STUDY FOR FINALS AND KICK BUTT! Oh dear Lord, it’s that time of the year again! Finals start up in 4 weeks!!! In law school you usually don’t have any grades in your class during the semester, so the final exam counts for your entire semester grade! Ridiculous, but it means that I need to start NOW. Outlining is already on my To-Do List.

3. Re-arrange my apartment/get a a desk! I’ve realized that having just one small table to eat, study and do blog work/surf the internet at is driving me crazy. I really need to have a separate eating area and working area. There are too many food smudges on my books and papers. I’m hoping to find an EXTREMLY CHEAP white table/desk and finding a way to fit it into my apartment. It will happen.

4. No anxiety/boredom eating! I tend to eat a lot when I’m bored or anxious, so I’m trying really hard this month to cut back on this bad habit! I think having a separate desk will help with this too!

5. Adventurous April Janetha at Meals and Moves is hosting Adventurous April! I’m new to her blog and have never seen her monthly challenges before. The challenge is to do something I wouldn’t normally do, and then report back to Janetha about it. I think this is great for me because I really need to push myself out of my comfort zone! Even little things like striking up conversations with people I don’t know, or trying out a new coffee place to study at. I tend to be quite a homebody and I don’t chat with strangers very easily… So I think this will be good for me!

What are some goals that you have for yourself?

What’s something you could do to push yourself out of your comfort zone?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.