Categories: Law Life

Taper Time!

IT’S SATURDAY! Who’s excited?! I am! I just hope today is less rainy than yesterday! I didn’t leave my apartment until later afternoon because it just kept pouring and I didn’t want to go out there in the rain! These are the times when I wish I had a car and lived in a drivable city…

I have, however, noticed that the 10-day forecast already includes my half marathon coming up! That means it’s less than 10 days away!!!! (It’s Sunday, April 1st).

The race starts at 8:15, so I’m guessing it may be around 48-50 when the race starts? Haha I need to stop speculating. I just think it helps me visualize the race if I know the weather, and what I’ll be wearing! I run best in shorts, so I’m thinking compression sleeves, shorts, t-shirt and a long-sleeve over it? Thoughts?

Along with visualizing the half marathon (and KICKING BUTT! Like my new attitude? Let’s see how long this optimism lasts), I’m also tapering right now! I think most people taper only in the week beforehand, but as I mentioned in a previous post I started tapering 2 weeks before because I’m really burnt out and over-trained. I’ve done several 12 milers and a 13 miler so I think I’m set.

Some of you may be wondering – what in the world is tapering!?!? Yes, I realize the “running world” has it’s own language. According to Wikipedia (the source of all knowledge, other than my Dad), tapering is:

“The practice of reducing exercise in the days just before an important competition.Tapering is customary in many endurance sports, such as the marathon, athletics and swimming. For many athletes, a significant period of tapering is essential for optimal performance.”

Basically, it means scaling back on your training so that you aren’t exhausted for race day. I read an article on Active.com discussing tapering for various distances. For a half-marathon, it suggests cutting mileage 2 weeks before the race and including a speed run in each week, shorter in the second week. It also recommends to not cross train on rest days, but actually rest! 

For me, this may be difficult. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m participating in Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp!

Bootcamp includes 3 days of strength training, 2 days of cardio, 1 day of rest and an optional cardio day. Already this week I’ve had to cut back a bit. During phase 2 (which is this week and next week) we are doing a lot of weights and strength training. I did the lower body workout on Tuesday, and I could barely walk, let alone run, for days afterwards. I felt almost back to normal yesterday! Lesson learned: no leg strength training (especially anything new!) during taper time. I’ve only run 6 miles this week so far because of it!

So I’ve decided that I’m completely nixing the leg workout next week, probably doing the upper body, and then instead of doing the full-body, I’ll either do something like yoga or just do upper body again. Although I’m sad to be missing out on these workouts (I LOVE them!) I’ve got to be ready for my race!

Other than cutting back on mileage and getting more rest, I also plan to focus on hydrating and eating plenty of carbs (and a liiiiittle less fiber – I eat a lot!) next week, along with stretching and foam rolling! I’ve gotten pretty bad about foam rolling and need to get back to it!

For more exciting news, I caved:

My name is Katie and I am addicted to Froyo. I need a 12 step program. Or a faster metabolism and a digestive system that can handle more white sugar.

Any tapering/pre-race suggestions out there?

What are you currently addicted to?

Do you prefer a walking city or a driving city?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.