Flight Attendant Causes Panic, Delays Flight, by Crazy Ranting

Last week, a flight attendant, who declared on the public address system, “I’m the number one in charge,” and added “I’m not responsible for this plane crashing,” had a Chicago bound flight of the American Airlines held up for more than three hours by her antics.

The 15-minute long rant started while the American Airlines Flight 2232 started taxiing on the Dallas runway to lift-off.

Her comments, which appeared like being made without realization that the PA system was on, caused panic when the passengers heard her saying “There’s a problem. We have to go back to the gate.”

Ed Martelle, an American Airlines spokesman admitted that an incident occurred involving the cabin crew, though he refused to divulge names or particulars of any injuries. However, he added that at no time of the incident were the passengers in any kind of danger.

Another flight attendant who tried to intervene was shouted down by the FA gone crazy. The situation was brought under control by an off-duty pilot, first class, with the assistance of passengers and other FA staff.

The FA gone crazy was quick to admit that she was bipolar, and had to be held until authorities arrived. The flight returned to the gate where police took charge of the situation and the FA was taken for evaluation at a clinical facility. Another flight attendant who had tried to intervene in the matter required medical attention from a wrist injury.

The flight left after being delayed for three hours with a new cabin crew.

Bethany Christakos, a passenger on board, told the media of the general panic and confusion, saying “In my head throughout the whole flight … sounds of her just screaming.”

American Airlines has apologized to the passengers for the incident.

No charges have been filed against the flight attendant according to recent reports and updates.

It seems the AA has become used to their staff losing the cool, considering the huge number of layoffs already announced and proposed.
