Categories: Law Life

Incline Workout & Big News

So guess what I did on Wednesday!

Went skydiving?

No, I wish!

Got some Fro Yo?

Very sadly, no.

Quit law school to move to the Bahamas?

Haha, nope!

Can’t guess? Okay, I’ll tell you.

This happened:

I registered for the Chicago Marathon!!!!

I’m like, super duper excited. I’ve been telling people that I plan on running it for a month now (it’s even in my 2012 goals!) but to actually register and pay my $150 makes it all so much more real. THIS. IS. HAPPENING.

I’m going to run a MARATHON. Yep, me.

Ask anyone who knew me from high school and before, or even college for that matter, whether Katie would be a marathon runner. They’d probably laugh. I would have laughed and said, who would want to torture themselves like that!?!?

Well, now I’m one of those crazy people. For the past two years I have watched the Chicago marathon. The first year I thought, wouldn’t that be so cool? Too bad that’s just not for me…

This past year I thought, would it be crazy? I don’t know, I’ll think about it… Maybe.

Well, maybe isn’t good enough anymore. I’m committing, 100%. Hold me accountable because I am running that marathon, and I could use all the support I can get! I am soooo excited and completely freaked out all at the same time! But so excited. So very excited. YAY!

Haha, okay, now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, it’s time to talk inclines. I recently discovered that many other people set the incline on their treadmill to 1.0 to do any treadmill run. Is this normal!?!? I had no idea that people do this, am I being a lazy butt leaving mine at 0.0?

Aaaaanyway. Since I found out I am apparently incline inadequate, I thought I would give inclines a try. I designed this 4 mile incline workout for newbies like me, who are used to our 0.0 status…

Incline Workout for Beginners:

I started out at 6.5 for the first half mile, and then slowly upped my speed until I was at 7.0 for the last mile. Feel free to use any speed that fits you best. As you can see, every other quarter mile I raised the incline, and then lowered it for the next quarter mile to recover.



0.0 – 0.25


0.25 – 0.50


0.50 – 0.75


0.75 – 1.00


1.00 – 1.25


1.25 – 1.50


1.50 – 1.75


1.75 – 2.00


2.00 – 2.25


2.25 – 2.50


2.50 – 2.75


2.75 – 3.00


3.00 – 3.25


3.25 – 3.50


3.50 – 3.75


3.75 – 4.00


Inclines were definitely tougher than I thought they would be! It really got my heart rate going, which was good but made me realize I need to do them more often! I’ve just never thought to do inclines because here in Chicago, everything is flat! I have done my fair share of hill running in Kansas City and Colorado, but I guess it just seems more painful on a treadmill! Haha.

Who sets their treadmill to a 1.0 for a regular treadmill run? Am I completely out of the loop!?

What is something you’ve done recently that’s exciting/scary!?!?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.