Categories: Law Life

POP! Goes My Heart

Good morning everyone! Who is excited that it’s Saturday?

Haha, okay, so my weekend really started Thursday afternoon since I don’t have class Friday, but if it makes you feel better I spent yesterday doing laundry, going grocery shopping, and getting some reading done. Don’t worry though, several episodes of the Office were watched.

I also watched the movie Music and Lyrics. Does anyone remember that movie? I LOVED it, especially the song “Pop Goes My Heart.”

But apparently it wasn’t a huge hit in the box office… Oh well, I think it’s funny and anything with Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant is fine by me!

Aaaaanyway. I have my long run this morning (10 miles!) so I’m currently getting amped up for that. Gym doesn’t open until 8 and we had quite a bit of snow yesterday (aka no way I’m running outside). Good thing long runs on the treadmill don’t bother me… too much.

While I’m waiting for the gym, I thought I’d do this survey that I’ve seen circling around the blog world!

20 Questions

1) What is one of your favorite ways to spend a Saturday?

Kicking butt on my long run, going to Whole Foods, and going out to dinner (Indian tonight with my cousin, Allie!)

2) List your top three favorite TV shows.

All time? Probably Gilmore Girls, The Office, aaaand really just those two stand out. Classics. Oh, I lied – FULL HOUSE!

3) Would you rather be in pictures or take them?

Be in them! Haha I’m rarely in photos so I like it when I actually am!

4) Why do you blog?

It’s a great creative outlet, it keeps me involved in an amazing community of women, and I LOVE hearing that I am helping people or giving them fun ideas! Your comments and messages really do mean a lot to me!

5) If you could have lunch with one person from your Twitter list who would it be?

Jillian Michaels! I’d ask her all the behind the scenes secrets from the Biggest Loser! More realistically, I’d love to have lunch with Ashley! I’d love to meet her!

6) List a few of your favorite snacks.

Greek yogurt with whatever mix-in I’m loving at the moment: cocoa powder, cinnamon, protein powder, etc. I also LOVE apples. I’m a freak, I crave them. And of course my protein cupcakes!

7) Share five websites that you visit regularly…

My google reader, Facebook, Netflix, Hulu and my blog’s “dashboard.”

9) Which three material possessions would you struggle to live without?

My iPhone

My computer

Warm Socks

10) What’s your favorite drink?

This is so hard! It totally depends on my mood! But I guess I would have to say water. And second coffee. After that would be wine and kombucha.

11) Do you enjoy cooking?

I enjoy baking! Haha I struggle through cooking… I do my best though!

12) Do you have children?

Hahahahahahahahaha. No.

13) What are your favorite hobbies?

Running/strength training, reading (NOT for school) and watching TV. Yes, I told the truth: watching TV. Don’t lie, you all love it too.

14) Would you consider yourself to be shy or outgoing?

Shy. I try and be outgoing if I’m in a really good mood, but otherwise I’m pretty quiet, especially in larger groups.

15) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?

I thought about this for a bit, but then I realized I’ve been made exactly how I am for a reason. Haha just waiting to find out. I wouldn’t be me if anything was different!

16) Who is your favorite actor/actress?

Julia Roberts. Hands down. I LOVE HER.

17) What’s the coolest thing you’ve done this week?

I started my 4th semester of law school, and thus I am MORE THAN halfway done with law school! Haha lame, but over halfway through my runs I always tell myself it’s all downhill from here, so I’m using that mentality for law school too!

18) Do you live near your family or far from them?

I used to live very far (South Carolina) but now I live about 5 blocks from my brother and sister-in-law and an 8 hour drive (or 1 hour and 20 min plane ride) from my family in Kansas City! Although I’m closer, I still feel so far away! Miss you family!

19) List three of your talents.

Oh dear lord. I hate these questions, haha I’ve never been one to be particularly talented at anything. I’d say I’m good at understanding how other people might feel from their point of view, I always remember everything (if I say I forgot, I’m lying, I just didn’t want to do it), and I’ve kept my fish alive for almost a year and a half now (Feb 5th will be 18 months!).

20) What is your greatest attribute?

My faith. Faith that everything will turn out just fine, that I just have to be patient and do my best. If I didn’t have this faith I would go crazy!

Your turn! Pick a question or two and answer them!

I’m looking for new running songs, what’s your favorite on your playlist right now?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.