Categories: Law Life

New Breakfast Flavors

Goooood Morning! I am up bright and early AGAIN although this morning I forced myself to lay in bed until 6am… My body is not adjusting well. Probably because I haven’t changed any of my clocks either…

So, many people may think this blog is about oatmeal. Okay, not really. But it’s in the title. The irony in the title is the first two months of blogging, I had smoothies for breakfast and rarely made oatmeal! Now that it’s getting cold out, I’m back on my oatmeal kick and experimenting with plenty of new combinations! Here’s one that is to DIE FOR. One of my favorites so far. My other favorite has to be the Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal.

Today’s oatmeal was made in an attempt to remind me of a delicious baked good that I haven’t had in ages:

Blueberry Muffin Oatmeal


1 scoop vanilla Sunwarrior protein

1/3 cup oatmeal

1/3 cup almond milk

2/3 cup water (1/3 added at the beginning, the other 1/3 added slowly later on when it became too thick)

1/2 banana

1 handful blueberries

1 T peanut butter


let oats, water and milk cook on the stove until oats are about halfway cooked. Add 1/2 banana (I mash mine up before hand, it’s easier to mix in). Once it’s cooked a bit more, add protein powder and blueberries. This is when I added more water because it became too thick. When it’s to the consistency you like, serve with PB!

The banana gave it a good consistency and sweetened flavor, and the protein powder really gave it the baked goods taste! The delicious blueberries, which I had fun bursting open, really made it like a blueberry muffin! I’m a big fan of this recipe!

Since I found out about my food intolerances, I haven’t been able to get a chai tea latte or café au lait at Starbucks since they only have pasteurized milk or soymilk. Trying to make my own was just not the same. That is, until…

I got my frother!!! I had seen this frother from IKEA used on Kath’s blog, Kath Eats Real Food. I just knew I had to have it!

The IKEAs in Chicago are no where near me, and in the complete opposite direction of my doctor’s office. So rather than going about 2 hours (and a lot of gas) out of my way, I decided to just order it! I found it on E-bay and I was so excited when it came! Yes, I paid $8 for a $3 IKEA product…

So what did I do with it? I frothed up my homemade Chai Tea Latte! I also happened to find some unsweetened chocolate almond milk by Almond Breeze, so I decided to use that instead of my normal milk.

Chai Tea Latte


1 chai tea bag

1 cup water

1/2 cup milk (change water and milk ratio to your liking)





Start off by heating your water (I just use my Keurig) and get your tea steeping.

Next, measure out your milk and microwave it for about 1 min (less for less milk, more for more milk).

Add in your cinnamon, stevia and nutmeg. Amounts to taste. I used a generous 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp nutmeg and 1/2 packet of stevia.

Now the fun part: FROTH!!!! It took about 30 seconds to a minute of frothing to get some serious foam.

Look at that! 1/2 cup milk becomes 1 cup of milk and froth!

Finally, pour your milk mixture into your chai tea. I leave the bag in because I like my chai tea strong.

A delicious way to start the morning, or to warm you up in the afternoon! I also love to make this in my thermos and rather than frothing, I just shake it up and take it to school with me.

Also, the chocolate milk was good, but I actually prefer it with the vanilla almond milk.

Do you ever try to re-create your favorite coffee shop drinks?

What kind of baked good do you think I should try and turn into an oatmeal recipe?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.