Categories: Law Life

Anchors Away!

I hope you all had a good weekend! If you all were far, far away from your computers this weekend, check out what you missed:

My stressful week!

The Associate book review and pumpkin spice latte!

My hermit crab molted! and Cinnamon Bun oatmeal

aaaaand my long run! 10K!

So on Saturday, my older brother made a big purchase. And I don’t just mean expensive – I mean BIG!

Now that it’s football season, he decided it’s officially time to invest in a FLAT SCREEN TV!!! The TV they had been using was my sister-in-law, Lauren’s, TV from when she was growing up! It was time for an upgrade. They got the TV at a Best Buy near us, and were luckily able to just wheel it right home!

How convenient!

I opted out of following him and helping to set it up… Electronics are just not my forte. I was, however, perfectly happy to come over the next day to watch the Kansas City Chiefs play the Buffalo Bills! (Let’s not talk about the outcome of that game…).

Walking over, I realized I hadn’t seen their puppy, Molly, in a whole week! I knew she was going to be big, I was so nervous! And I was right to be, she had grown so much!

We’re still practicing on posing for pictures… this took about 10 minutes to take. I wanted to send a picture of Molly with me wearing my Chief’s jersey to my mom! She’s a HUGE Chiefs fan! She even saw them win the Super Bowl!

The game, however, was not quite as exciting as Molly. Although Harrison had got the TV all set up, we couldn’t watch the game! He had ordered every possible sports channel he could in hopes that one would be playing the game. Unfortunately, only one channel was playing it, but switching back and forth with 3 other games.

Harrison ended up watching most of the game on his computer, while I had some fun with my buddy! No need for a game, Molly was plenty entertaining all on her own!

She’s just too adorable! And much better about chewing on me! Also, my brother and Lauren have taught her a lot of tricks! She now knows sit, down, shake and fetch! She’s so smart.

After hanging out with them, I headed back home to get some work done and then it was time for dinner at Twin Anchors with Harrison, Lauren and Allie! Twin Anchors is a great local BBQ place. It has a very small neighborhood feel, but it’s pretty famous! It was established in 1932 and was a favorite of Frank Sinatra’s!

I managed to get this picture when we were walking in… but I completely forgot to take any after that. Again, something that I need to work on. Lauren got the veggie version of a sloppy joe, and the rest of us all got the pulled pork sandwich. I cannot go to any BBQ place without ordering pulled pork – it’s my absolute favorite! I’d also gotten it here twice before, so I knew it was going to be good – and it was!

Rather than getting mine on the sweet roll though, I asked for it on top of one slice of wheat bread, like an open faced sandwich. For me, half the fun is eating the pulled pork with a fork. Don’t ask my why… I always end up pulling apart sandwiches and eating them like plates rather than they were meant to be. I’m a weirdo, what can I say?

Do you prefer watching a football game from the comfort of your own home, or do you like going to a “team bar”? Ever have a problem finding a channel to watch your team’s game on television?

My Yogi tea yesterday had some wise words and I liked them so much I thought I’d share: “Life is a gift. If you do not value your gift, nobody else will.”

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.