Categories: Law Life

A Perfectly Lazy Sunday Afternoon

After my morning 5K, I decided a lazy Sunday was exactly what I needed. I grabbed my computer, a book, and some black tea and headed out to our back patio to take in the beautiful weather and get some reading done.

I actually ended up being out here for quite a while. There was one point where I got a little bored and decided to do some strength training. I went downstairs to our garage, where my dad has some free weights, and I did a Carrots N Cake weight training workout, and it was tough!
But then back to my beautiful patio. Too hard to resist.

While sitting out there reading, this little guy kept running around all over the place. I think maybe I was on his turf and he needed to check me out…

Although I did plenty of catching up on blogs, I also started a new book, called One Amazing Thing. It’s about a group of people who are trapped together in a room after an earthquake. They are all from very different backgrounds and cultures and eventually get to talking about interesting things in their lives.
So far I’m really enjoying it because the author is switching from one person’s point of view to another, which not only keeps things interesting, but allows the reader to understand situations from different cultural points of view. For example, one woman who is wearing a Sari has to give her sari up to bandage another woman’s broken arm. Although she’s given a sweatshirt to wear, which is more covering than her sari, she feels very embarrassed to be seen in the sweatshirt. Although the American girl doesn’t understand this, when the author switches to an Indian boy’s point of view, he explains her embarrassment.

I’m hoping to breeze through this book because I’m dying to read about their stories!
By the afternoon I decided to head out on the town and run some errands. I borrowed my mom’s car, put the top down, and enjoyed a beautiful drive around the city!

The Country Club Plaza!

At the beginning of my errand run, I went to The Roasterie, which is a local Kansas City coffee place that makes their own coffee. I love their coffee and the atmosphere in the shop, but I had to get my iced cafe au lait to go! I got the cafe au lait with skim milk and just a tiny bit of sugar free caramel syrup. I like just a little because I can’t stand coffee that tastes too much like dessert!

Anyone else have a relaxing Sunday afternoon? What did you all do?

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.