Categories: Law Life

In a Funk

Last night’s recap:

Yesterday I had planned on going to Power Sculpt at Core Power Yoga, but I was just not feeling it. I needed a break from the yoga studio so I headed to the gym to do one of my cardio/strength training workouts. What I do is 10 min cardio, 15 min of strength training, 10 min of cardio (to keep my heart rate up), 15 min of strength training, and then end with a final 10 min of cardio. Usually for strength training I’ll do all leg or all upper body, but today I decided to mix it up and do both. I also tend to get really into the strength training part, so I usually go over the 15 min… but I try not to! I’ve got to learn to cut down my workouts for the school year when I don’t have enough time!

I finished up my workout with stretching and a couple ab exercises and headed home to have a berry protein smoothie!

1/2 cup almond milk

1/2 frozen banana

1 cup Trader Joe’s organic frozen mixed berries

2 cups spinach

1 scoop protein powder

1 tbl flax

and then I topped it off with the last bit of shredded coconut I had and ate it with some Trader Joe’s Bran Flake Cereal. Delicious!

So today, according to my schedule from Hal Higdon, I was supposed to run 2.5 miles, however, I decided to just round it out to an even 3 miles. I woke up this morning with ZERO desire to run, but I knew I just had to throw on my shoes and get out there. When I finished my run, I looked at my iPhone app, iMapMyRun, and saw that my pace was 9:12 min/mile and I can’t say I was elated. On Sunday I had run 3 miles at a 8:41 min/mile pace, so today’s run felt like a disappointment. It’s true that I wasn’t feeling it, I took a new route that slowed me down with stop lights and turning a lot of corners, but those all sound like excuses to me.

I should be proud of myself for getting up this morning and running 3 miles in under 28 min when I only started running again ONE WEEK ago! But I’m not! Does anyone else put themselves down like this? I’ve realized it’s definitely a problem that I have. When I do something good, I’m not proud of it, and when I do something not as good, I beat myself up.

I wanted to post about this today because, for one thing, I wanted to show you all that no one is perfect! I may come across as a girl who’s got it all together, but I don’t! We all have things we need to work on in our lives and being proud of myself is something that I need to work on.

I’ve also been in a bit of a funk these past couple days, which isn’t helping. I think it’s the anxiety of everything in my life changing! I ended my internship, I’m going home for a week and then I’m starting a new year of law school. It’s all very overwhelming and leaving me feeling anxious! To turn my morning around, I’ve decided to take a note out of Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness Project and “Act the way I want to feel”. If I want to feel proud of myself and excited for what’s to come then I need to ACT that way! It’s similar to the mantra we’ve all heard: “fake it ‘till you make it”.

So now I’m going to pack up my stuff and head off to my Hot Power Fusion yoga class. Wish me luck!!!

Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.