Categories: Law Life

Busy Morning!

I’m going on a run! Should I really go on a run?
I’m going to kick this run’s butt! (yes, excessive selfies)

I love mornings where I feel like I’ve accomplished so much and it’s only 10:00am!

So first, let me re-cap. Last night I FINALLY got to check out a new fast and casual restaurant that is right across the street from me! It’s brand new and called Tzatziki. It’s basically a Greek version of Chipotle. My brother is a big fan of Chipotle, and after going to Greece on his honeymoon, he became a big fan of tzatziki sauce! Hence his love for this new restaurant. On the menu you can pick a wrap, bowl or salad, meat or veggies, and then various toppings.
(couldn’t figure out how to turn this… sorry)
Since I had eaten ZERO veggies that day, I went for the salad, and it was delicious! Their tzatziki sauce was so good, and so was the dressing! However they gave me quite a lot… saved the second half for another meal!
For dessert I munched on some candies I got from Whole Foods. I love picking out a few decadent chocolate candies as a treat to myself! Soooo good!
After dinner last night I read some more of my book and then my brother, my sister-in-law and I headed to our friend Nicole’s house where she was throwing a surprise birthday party for her boyfriend. It was out in their backyard with a fire pit, and they had ice cream cake, so I was a fan!
This morning, seeing as I have the unfortunate inability to sleep in, I got up and went for my THREE MILE RUN! Not exactly a huge distance, but the furthest I’ve run since I started up after my injury. The run went pretty well, I definitely pushed myself and ended up finishing in about 26 min! My pace was an average of 8:41/mile. I was pumped!
And who wouldn’t be inspired by this view?
After my run I wanted to make it to an 8:30 hot yoga class so I ran around my apartment like a crazy person changing and getting everything together. I had to hurry since the class is almost a mile walk away!
hot yoga gear (more prepared this time…)
more appropriate hot yoga outfit (no white shirts!)
Shoes that I won’t cringe while putting back on!
Since I didn’t have time to eat breakfast, I snagged a mini-luna bar to eat on my walk to hot yoga. Delicious!
So this class was MUCH less traumatizing than yesterday’s. What I learned is that yesterday’s class wasn’t supposed to actually be quite that hot, especially since it’s weight lifting and meant to get your heart-rate up. Today’s class was an actual hot yoga class where the room is intended to be about 103-105 degrees and is meant as more of a detox. It was a very calm class and more about breathing and stretching than anything else. Definitely good after a run!
However, it started to sprinkle on my walk back. It was actually nice and relaxing. And then halfway back it started to pour… not so relaxing. Rainbows were not the easiest shoes to walk in while getting soaked in the rain!
Now I’m STARVING so I’m going to make myself a delicious smoothie and enjoy my Sunday! I hope you’re all having a great weekend! Anyone have any fun plans?
Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.