Kagan Confirmation Approved by Judiciary Committee

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan won approval from the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday and her confirmation will now be put before the full U.S. Senate.

According to the Associated Press, Sen. Lindsey Graham was the lone Republican to vote in favor of Kagan. The vote was 13-6.

All signs point to Kagan’s nomination going before the full Senate before the Congress takes its monthlong summer break on Aug. 7. Following Tuesday’s vote, Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, sounded confident of Kagan’s chances. “Elena Kagan will be confirmed,” he told the AP. “She will go on the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Kagan currently serves as Solicitor General and was nominated by President Obama to replace the retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. She would be the fourth female justice to ever serve the nation’s high court.
