Haynes and Boone Bolsters Real Estate Practice

Haynes and Boone has added six partners to its East Coast real estate practice. All six will be coming from Paul Hastings New York-based real estate finance and restructuring practices. Initial reports had the number at four, but two more have been confirmed to be making the move.

In a press release, Haynes and Boone described the action as “a major expansion of it East Coast real estate, finance and real estate restructuring practices.” Four of the six are focused on real estate finance. They are Kenneth Friedman, Robert Gracdos, Steven Kock and Walter Schleimer. The remaining two, Lawrence Mittman and Carolyn Sullivan, focus their practices on real estate restructurings.

Haynes and Boone said its goal is to expand its New York office to at least 100 lawyers over the next several years.

Haynes and Boone is an international corporate law firm with almost 550 attorneys. It has offices in Texas, New York, California, Washington D.C., Mexico City and Moscow.
