Hastings College of Law Names New Dean

Frank H. Wu has been named the next dean of California Hastings College of the Law.

Wu, 42, is currently a professor at Howard University School of Law, and was the dean at Wayne State University Law School in Detroit from 2004 to 2008.

Wu will be entering his position as dean of Hastings College of the Law with a three-point plan to build upon the schools successes. He will focus on providing students with a structured curriculum that will ensure graduates have real-world legal skills when they leave, such as taking depositions, negotiating deals, and reading balance sheets. Additionally, students who graduate Hastings will be prepared to work in a global economy driven by Pacific Rim nations.

Wu intends on securing private funding for the law school in hopes of overcoming some financial hurdles that have surfaced, in part because of cuts in state funding.

Wu will take his position in July 2010.

Andrew Ostler: I started working for The Employment Research Institute in 2008, and currently work as a content manager, writer, and editor for LawCrossing, EmploymentCrossing, and several of the company blogs, including JD Journal. I am also responsible for writing/editing many of the company emails for The Employment Research Institute.