Blagojevich Admits to Being “No Legal Scholar”

Apparently, indicted Illinois Governor MIlorad “Rod” Blagojevich is a lawyer, but not a very good one.

From US News & World Report’s “10 Things You Didn’t Know About Rod Blagojevich”:

Blagojevich went to law school at California’s Pepperdine University, from which he graduated in 1983. Years later, he joked that he was no legal scholar; he reportedly told an audience that he “barely knew where that law library was.”

It seems he was never a good student:

Addressing a group of high school students in 2006, Blagojevich called the D he received in high school algebra “a classic case of grade inflation.”

Also, apparently, the University of Tampa wasn’t enough of a party school:

“The University of Tampa was an odd college choice for a kid ‘from the neighborhood,’ as Blagojevich puts it, but his brother had gone there two years before to play baseball,” the article says. “With a lackluster grade point average and an 18 or 19 on his ACT, Blagojevich admits, ‘schools like Northwestern, I couldn’t get into.’ After two years, Rod got into Northwestern as a transfer student and majored in history.”

We wouldn’t make fun of Blagojevich this way, except maybe if he had done better in school, he would have learned it’s not a good idea to telegraph your client’s (in this case his own) ethical lapses in loud, profane tirades. You know, just in case the Feds are wiretapping your office.

Or, alternately, he could have skipped college and just watched The Sopranos.

See also.

Erik Even: